noted: The greater the password list , the longer it takes to crack the password
i use kali linux-1.0.6 version in this exercise
1. i create a new user in my kali linux vmware machine, and the password is : password
2. i create a new directory called natasha to put the password result. is up to you to create new directory or not
the answer is:
is the file where the user information (like
username, user ID, group ID, location of home directory, login shell,
...) is stored when a new user is created.
is the file where important information (like an
encrypted form of the password of a user, the day the password expires,
whether or not the passwd has to be changed, the minimum and maximum
time between password changes, ...) is stored when a new user is
that is why necessary combining this two password file to be used for cracking later.
4. before we crack the unshadow file , we have to locate password.lst file that is used going to as the dictionary
command: locate password.lst
command: locate password.lst
5. now that we have locate the path, we can proceed to crack the password. copy the path and put in command argument
command : john --wordlist=/usr/share/john/password.lst "your_password_file"
after the password file is done cracking it will prompt you the result you can see it again with--show features
command:john --show "your_password_file"
so that is it . i encourage you all to try a different features of john the ripper tools and also try to download a larger password list file to try it . have a good day